Jens Jarvie and The Heart Wide Open

Jens Jarvie is a passionate musician who brings his craft to life through kirtan (devotional calland-response chanting of Sanskrit mantras) and conscious music. Jens didn’t exactly come on the scene out of nowhere, having honed his craft for many years. But suddenly he’s one of the go-to kirtan leaders, and his live shows bear fruit with a strong dose of devotional glory and ecstatic energy transfusions. His chanting and original lyrics will inspire you to take flight in the vastness of the heart, while his songs invoke healing and transformation, inviting you on a journey of depth and transcendence.
His second major CD release and third overall, Be the Ones offers lengthy tracks with music that’s all about celebration, embodiment, and remembrance. Through positive affirmations, healing mantras, engaging melodies, and driving rhythms carried by the musical influences of folk, world, rock, and reggae, Jens Jarvie and The Heart Wide Open offer a spirit of strength and upliftment that invites you to soar into gratitude for this life we are living.
Jens’s accompanying musicians include the ever-present Ben Leinbach (producer plus!), Jesse Klein (keyboard), Greg Barnett (bass, classical guitar), Joss Jaffe (tablas), Gawain Mathews (lead guitar), Maesyn (violin), and Sally Cinnamon (backing vocals). As dynamic and groundbreaking as Jens’s previous Path of Prayers was, Be the Ones is next-level engaging and inspiring. Six tracks, all between 9 and 12 minutes in length, mostly begin with English phrases and lyrics, soon morphing into highenergy chants that immerse the listener in the “Heart Wide Open” that Jens purveys.
Be the Ones is a contemplative energetic journey of devotion, empowerment, inspiration, and love. It is a call to consciousness within the unified field to wake up and an invitation to rise and Be the Ones. Jens will be an integral part of this summer’s RELAXPANSION FEST June 21-22 in Ashland, Oregon—make this your special “Festination” (relaxpansionfest.