Magazine cover of "common ground" for December 2011/January 2012 featuring a red cosmic swirl design and text about the issue's contents.

December 2011 / January 2012

The 2012 Holiday Issue

Welcome to this atypical holiday issue, as we usher in what looks to be an atypical leap year. The theme of this edition pivots on the whole 2012 discussion. I’ve not paid much heed to Mayan calendar prophecies, but I do feel that these are extraordinary times. The shift has hit the fan, so to speak.

We’ve gathered a myriad of interesting voices to reflect on this turning point, including John Major Jenkins, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, and Daniel Pinchbeck. We hope you enjoy becoming a part of this conversation, now and throughout the year.

If you’re among the camp of people who are frustrated with the overblown end-of-the-world-thing, writer Steve Heilig channeled the apocalypse to find out what’s afoot. Steve, who in previous issues of Common Ground has morphed into everything from micro bacterium to fluffy canines, asserts in his latest essay, “Apocalypse…Whenever,” that we’ve been duped before by such prophecies and needn’t hold our breath. Whew!

While Common Ground has typically averted the paranormal ET subject matter, this seemed an appropriate issue to lay out a pictorial of startling crop circle images. A Socratic discussion is always in order, so here goes: Are tens of thousands of crop formations the work of extraterrestrials, wanting to share advanced guidance to us via sacred geometry? Or are these the handy work of very busy mischief makers, capable of mocking the believers? Or both? What do you think?

At some stage, you’ll need a pause from heady prophecies and UFOs. We suggest a “cuppa” tea. In Krista Van Kessel Blaney’s first published work, you’ll find an inviting and refreshing composition on the universality of tea. She captures how we can travel the world, unite in community, and heal our collective spirit with the simple act of heating the kettle.

We had fun seeing everyone out and about in November. Check out our “Green Scene” images from around the Bay. We wish you the happiest of holidays and look forward to seeing you at the Yoga Journal Conference in January—great place to check the pulse of the international yoga community, as it converges at the Hyatt Embarcadero in downtown SF.

Like every new year, 2012 will bring both blessings and challenges—perhaps in an increased dose, as a head of steam has been building for… well…26,000 years, according to the ancient Mayans. “Ring out the old, ring in the new…Ring out the false, ring in the true.”

Thanks for being part of our loyal community. Please show your appreciation and support for this free magazine by patronizing our terrific advertisers. That’s the greatest gift you can give, and one for which we are eternally grateful.

Stay warm. We’ll catch up with you in our February (ooh-la-la!) Sex issue, followed by our March Food issue, and our April Green issue. If there’s something we should know, don’t hesitate to contact us with feedback and suggestions.

’Tis the season to be jolly. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la,


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