Magazine cover titled "common ground, July/August 2013" featuring a person with blue body paint and an elaborate headpiece, posing dramatically with industrial equipment in the background.

July / August 2013

The Summer Issue

Welcome to the Summer issue, wherein we preview Burning Man’s upcoming iteration. This year’s theme, “Cargo Cult,” is not an expression I knew. But upon investigation I be came intrigued. Cargo cult is not the easiest idea to condense here, but I do encourage readers to explore our preview. Of course, the event itself never fails to be anything but spectacular.

As a complement, we showcase the photography of Julian Cash, who
compiled a book whose title, The People of Burning Man: Portraits of Revolutionary Spirits, says it all. Julian’s a revolutionary spirit himself, having grown up in Greenwich Village and on communes. As a threeyear-old he was captured in the legendary film Woodstock. For this I envy him, as I remember being frustrated that I was too young to go. To Julian and all the revolutionary spirits of Burning Man (and Wood stock), we salute you.

I caught up with another revolutionary spirit, Patricia Bragg, the famous health crusader. Though she won’t reveal her precise age—she says “timeless”—it’s fair to say that she has been at the vanguard of the health food movement since its inception. Paul Bragg, her father, opened the first health food store in the country over 100 years ago. Patricia is one-of-a-kind health purist who claims to run circles around 18-year-olds. You’ll enjoy her depth of experience and wit—not to mention her summer health tips.

Bay Area residents have been hearing about the America’s Cup for years now, and the clamor is accelerating as the finals approach in September. Whereas the Cup has always been contested far out at sea, here for the first time it will be spectator sport. It’s going to be a very high-tech affair, with catamaran hulls constructed from expensive polymers rigged with computer sensors to eke out every possible advantage. We pay homage to the Cup by taking a different tack—the magnificent bygone era of wooden boats and The Spaulding Center for Wooden Boats in Sausalito—a hidden gem. Though once the bay was full of boatyards that made wooden vessels, this is the last of its kind on the entire West Coast—a place where these beauties are built and restored in the ancient tradition. Far from snooty, the Spaulding Center has an inclusive public mission worth reading about.

To round it off, this issue is full of interesting stories, ranging from conscious partying to the relevance of salt in your diet. We learn respect for the sun as well as summer health tips for our dogs. David Moreno reminds us of the parallels between cycling and yoga, while Dr. Mark Schillinger, an expert on young men’s issues, insists that boys in particular belong in nature. Nature is the best antidote to digital device attachment, a modern-day scourge claiming our young.

Thank you for showing your support for Common Ground by patronizing its advertisers—this is the best way. We look forward to seeing you at summer festivals and to meeting back up in September, with our Yoga issue. Anything we should know? In the meantime . . .

Keep cool and keep safe,


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