Sweet Healing

Posted on in Art + Soul by Lloyd Barde

Michael Bedar

A novel Sweet Healing. A Whole Health Journey. Michael Bedar Foreword by Gabriel Cousens, MD

Sweet Healing knocked me out in the best way, and kept getting better. With a solid background in the healing arts and spiritual nutritional counseling, and as an avid investigator of natural healing, Michael Bedar has scored a real winner with his first novel. Bedar offers a new type of engaging and effective entertainment to those who desire health and maybe even transformation—if you can stand the suspense of Sweet Healing. On the verge of a blissful retirement, lead character Gene Curtin suddenly faces an unexpected diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. While he greatly appreciates the love and support of his wife, Hope, and college-aged son, Jim, he can’t seem to shake the mounting shame and despair that threaten to engulf him. After a timely encounter with his mysterious new neighbor, however, strange mini-challenges start cropping up in Gene’s life that provoke his dormant sense of adventure. As he strives to navigate these hurdles, Gene begins to discover health and science secrets that may dramatically transform his future if he can change his daily habits.

Sweet Healing takes you on an inspiring whole-health journey that frees you to enjoy every day of your life. As a gripping read of fiction, it will leave you inspired, motivated, and hungry for a healthier lifestyle. Through this captivating story, Michael has beautifully presented a self-care option far beyond the world of drugs and surgery. This is a novel, an adventure, a work of fiction with a message of healthy lifestyle information. If you are interested in health and healing and like reading fiction, this book is for you.



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