Women of Visionary Art

Posted on in Features by Rob Sidon

Martina Hoffmann. Isis, 2018, oil on canvas
Martina Hoffmann. Isis, 2018, oil on canvas

Since early humans first painted from their mystic eye onto cave walls, artists have sought to share their sacred visions with the world. Created in every medium, from oil painting and sculpture to contemporary digital modeling, these works give those who experience them a chance to “see the unseen,” realize wider modes of perception, and discover spiritual and mystical realms.

As part of our Women issue, Common Ground is proud to showcase Women of Visionary Art, a skillfully compiled new book by David Jay Brown and Rebecca Ann Hill. This gorgeous tome examines the inspiration of 18 leading female visionary artists of which we’ve made a selection that includes Josephine Wall, Allyson Grey, Amanda Sage, Martina Hoffmann, Penny Slinger, and Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, among others.

Penny Slinger. Gaia Mind, 1973, digital photo collage
Penny Slinger. Gaia Mind, 1973, digital photo collage

By exploring the creative process and the roles that dreaming, psychedelic experiences, sexuality, and divine guidance can play, we are provided a non-ordinary peek into the abundant spectrum of female energy—ferocious, healing, and connected.

By accessing the portals of shamanic trance, lucid dreams, and psychedelic states, to name a few, we witness the wondrous interpretation of spiritual connection with Nature, sacred geometry, and a transcendent realm — for which we are oh so grateful.

Special praise to Dave and Rebecca, the extraordinary artists, and the kind publishers at Inner Traditions–Park Street Press for bringing this forward. Please learn more and help support contemporary art. InnerTraditions.com

Amanda Sage. Golden Eternity, 2011–2017, acrylic, casein and oil on canvas
Amanda Sage. Golden Eternity, 2011–2017, acrylic, casein and oil on canvas
Penny Slinger. I Speak What I See, 1973, photo callage from Mouthpieces series
Penny Slinger. I Speak What I See, 1973, photo callage from Mouthpieces series
Emma Watkinson. Akhenaten, 2012, oil on canvas
Emma Watkinson. Akhenaten, 2012, oil on canvas
Carolyn Mary Kleefeld. Eros and Aphrodite, 2009, oil on canvas
Carolyn Mary Kleefeld. Eros and Aphrodite, 2009, oil on canvas
Burgandy Viscosi. Tea Time, 2014, acrylic on canvas
Burgandy Viscosi. Tea Time, 2014, acrylic on canvas
Ashely Josephine Foreman. Courage, 2015, digital illustration
Ashely Josephine Foreman. Courage, 2015, digital illustration
Nana Nauwald. Woman Shaman, 2016, acrylic emulsion on black canvas
Nana Nauwald. Woman Shaman, 2016, acrylic emulsion on black canvas
Josephine Wall. Child of the Universe, 2000, acrylic on canvas
Josephine Wall. Child of the Universe, 2000, acrylic on canvas
Elizabeth Rosemary Banker. Alive, 2014, acrylic, egg tempera and oil on canvas
Elizabeth Rosemary Banker. Alive, 2014, acrylic, egg tempera and oil on canvas

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